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Writer's pictureKate Solisti

Your Dog Smells Your Stress

What is your dog's most valued sense? Hearing? seeing? Nope, smelling.

Dogs have told me more times than I can count, that they can lose their hearing, lose their eyesight, but as long as their sense of smell works, they can manage life just fine.

How many elderly dogs do you know who are deaf,  blind, can barely hobble around, but are still  happy to be alive, relish every meal, and can even find their favorite ball or toy?


I have read that dogs have at least 250 MILLION olfactory cells in their noses. We only have 5 million! Does that mean that scents and odors are just stronger to a dog's nose? Nope. As an animal communicator, I have been told by countless dogs that these olfactory cells of theirs help them smell in 3D. They have a greater spectrum of smell than we do, so they can smell much more subtle scents than we can even imagine, even those 12 miles away or under water.

In addition to detecting tumors and diseases, banned substances, and missing people, etc., our dogs smell the chemical changes stress creates in our bodies. They react to our stress in different ways, but what is certain is that our stress causes them more stress.

The Election, Climate Change, War in the Middle East...Every one of these things affects us and those around us every day. It is critical for our health and well being, as well as that of our animals, that we take care of ourselves especailly now.

1) Limit or stop watching the news and the polls! These are crazy making. Do what you can. Observe, don't absorb.

2) Eat nourshing food. Feed your dog a balanced diet with real meat and less processed foods.

3) Take stress support daily: Bach Rescue Remedy (for the whole household), Bach Walnut for stability and good boundaries, Elm for overwhelm, vitamin B's, calming herbal teas, immune support like probiotics - kefir, yougurt, vitamin c.

4) Exercise. Play with and walk with your dog. Walking is best for most of us and enjoying a walk with your dog is even better. This is the type of walk that has no "goal" in mind, except enjoying the outdoors together. This helps drop stress levels and helps your body and his relax.

5) Body work. Get yourself and your dog a nice healing massage!

6) Sleep. Be sure you and your animal family are sleeping deeply. Listen to calming music before bed. (again, no news or even political comedy unless it just makes you laugh) Meditate and visualize a beautiful healthy world for ALL Beings. Yes we can!

To find out what your dog can teach you about how well you're managing stress, let's ask her. If you're new to me, click here. A returning client, click here.

with Love, Your Voice of Animals,


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