Are you or someone you know having difficulty buying food or caring for your beloved companions? With the virus making people ill and the drops in people's incomes changing lives, some folks are unable to support their animal families.
No one should have to surrender their animals. This is a tragedy, AND there's help out there!
My friend Gail of Cat Faeries put together a list of organizations that are helping people and animals in need. She gave me permission to share her article and links. Please pass these on to anyone who's in trouble now or who may face more hardship as time goes by.
"Everyone's favorite, Best Friends in Kenab, Utah has once again come to the rescue! This link will take you to a page on their website where you can research financial aid to care for your animal family members if you are needing it.
Another great organization is called Red Rover. Red Rover staff and volunteers provide temporary emergency sheltering, resources, financial assistance, and emotional support when animals and people are in crisis. They also work with educators to help children develop empathy and awareness of animals' well-being and increase awareness about the importance of the human-animal bond.
This website lists various grants and assistance for animals with specific illnesses or diseases (some of the links don't work):
Being a good internet hunter/gather of information can unearth many treasures. Play around with words and phrases to find what you are looking for. Start with words like the name of your city or county, then add words like financial aid, disaster relief aid, veterinary aid for cats/dogs/horses, free food during disasters and so on. Try fresh words and try rearranging them until you find what you need. Last year we (Gail) stopped using Google because they store your searches - we are using www.ecosia.org instead. ( I just signed up to use Ecosia too! They plant tress with every search! Check them out.)
Perhaps your local animal supply store can ask their distributors to donate any food or other supplies that have old expiration dates - the foods could still be viable and safe.
If you are one of the fortunate ones whose health is vibrant and who are secure financially and if you can donate to any of the organizations, please do! They need both money and supplies."
Thank you, Gail and all of you who love and care for our beloved furries -- the smallest to the largest! We'll all get through this if we join together. The unconditional love we receive from our animals can be the wind beneath our wings!
With Love to you and all the furries, Your Voice of Animals,