There's so much talk of vaccines for Covid, but are you aware of the new recommended vaccine protocol for kittens and cats?
The American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) and the Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP) have updated their 2013 recommendations as of 2020 for "core" vaccines recommended for all cats and kittens, and "non-core" vaccines. Non-core vaccines are optional/risk dependent.
Many holistic vets do not agree with all of the recommendations. One of the reasons for this is that indoor cats have zero exposure to many of the diseases indoor/outdoor or all outdoor cats do. Over the years many cats developed sarcomas at the sight of different vaccines. which led conventional vets to start recommending vaccinating cats in limbs or tails which could be amputated if cancer developed. What's wrong with that picture?
Get Informed
One of my major missions in my animal communication practice is the importance of educating you, my clients, about the choices you have when it comes to medical care, training, food choices, healing modalities, etc. Your animals have taught me that less is usually better (fewer ingredients, less interventions...) and that they know best about what "training" or behavior "modification" is best suited to them as individuals. When I communicate with an animal companion, I meet her where she is right now. I do my best to set aside any assumptions, expectations, beliefs and focus on her individual needs and her relationship with you and other family members.
When it comes to vaccination, Dr. Karen Becker speaks for many holistic vets I know and collaborate with when she says, "In my experience, the safer, more responsible and humane approach is to focus on the minimum number and type of vaccines necessary to successfully immunize individual animals against diseases to which they have reasonable risk of exposure." For more details and her specific recommendations click here.
How to Minimize Vaccine Side Effects in animals AND People
My friend, Dr. Jean Hofve's excellent article, "Preventing Vaccine Adverse Effects," offers specific advice about what to take/give before and after you and your animals receive any vaccines. Obviously this is very important to know about if you're considering a coronavirus vaccine when they become available. Click here to read it.
Finally, I reiterate that there is no "one size fits all" approach to vaccines, diet, training. Each animal is an individual, just like each human. When we listen to each of of our companions, we will do best by and for them. To check in with your beloved, set up a session with me here or here. He can teach you so much!

With Love, Your Voice of Animals,
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