The holidays are fun and exciting for human children of all ages. But what about your animals? Puppies and kittens LOVE decorations too, but they provide all kinds of hazards.
What about the tree, foods, plants, costumes, burning candles, lights, etc, etc? Here's a link for you to copy and paste to my handy little, beautifully illustrated booklet for you to print out, consult and share with all your animal-loving friends.
In it you'll find my 10 Tips, plus how to recognize when your animals are stressed and how to soothe them.
What about toys and gifts for them? Check out my suggestions.
As always, a little conscious awareness goes a long way to help your beloved animals have a safe, fun,happy and peaceful Holiday as well!
With my warmest wishes, wags, purrs, whinnies, squawks, hums, etc. to all!
Love, Your Voice of Animals,