Even though we just got almost three feet of snow here in Northern Colorado, flea, tick and mosquito season is right around the corner for many of you.
It's critical that you become informed about the dangers of topical insecticides/pesticides and research the best options for your own animals. On March 2, 2021, USA Today published a story about 1,700 dog deaths and over 900 harmful reactions of their humans from a popular chemical flea and tick collar. It's simply NOT worth the risk to handle and subject your animals to dangerous, poisonous collars and other treatments, even those the vet recommends!
Thankfully, there are safe and natural alternatives that will NOT poison our animals, ourselves or our environment! Differences in age, health, and species need to be taken into account when choosing how to best protect your own.
The Bad News
Over my 29 years as an animal communicator and holistic health advocate for animals, I've see many dogs and cats with overwhelmed immune systems. They have allergies, skin issues, oozing sores on their feet, liver and kidney challenges, cancers, seizures, and more -- all due to chemical overload.
What chemicals?
*annual vaccinations that are often unnecessary
*toxic flea & tick collars, dips, sprays and topical "spot" treatments
*heartworm insecticides
*many medications
*shampoos & scented conditioners
*indoor pollution: smoke, mold, "air fresheners"
*household cleaners, especially carpet cleaners
*additives to foods and pesticide residues
*toxins in tap water
*outdoor pollution; carbon monoxide, car fuel residue and asphalt on roads and sidewalks
*grass fertilizers, poisonous weed killers and insecticides
If your dog or cat is exposed to any one of these over time, (most of our animals are exposed to many of these every day), they can be in real danger of immune collapse or a downward spiral to organ breakdown and premature death. Remember that there is a cumulative effect of all of the above and that "sudden" decline, cancer, kidney and adrenal failure, seizures are often the result of too many years of exposure and build up.
Ferrets, rabbits, other small mammals, birds, amphibians, fish and reptiles are susceptible to most of the same chemical challenges. And, if you use topical flea prevention on your dog, including some herbal formulas, these can be toxic to cats and other animals living with your dog.
The Good News: Safe Alternatives to Pesticides!
You can choose, safe, effective alternatives to toxic pesticides on and in your animals. Most of these are plant-based repellents that prevent parasites from landing on and biting or feeding off animals (and people) . Not only are they safer for your pets, human family members and home, they are less harmful to the environment as well. Check out these links below for more information and choose the best for your animals and your budget:
* Dr. Karen Becker: http://products.mercola.com/healthypets/pest-repellents/
* Earth Animal (Note: I do not recommend the "Herbal Spot Treatment for Cats," nor the "Herbal Flea Collar for Cats.") : https://shop.earthanimal.com/collections/remedies-supplements?_=pf&pf_t_remedies_and_supplements=Nature%E2%80%99s%20Protection%E2%84%A2%20Flea%20%26%20Tick
* "Wondercide" wipes and/or sprays for cats and dogs, and treatment for your yard and home: http://www.wondercide.com/flea-tick-control/
* "Flee Free" Flower Essence, which works energetically to repel fleas by Green Hope Farm: www.greenhopeessences.com/essences/flee-free
Be sure to check if a topical or spray is safe for cats. Many essential oils like eucalyptus, peppermint, spearmint and wintergreen, pine oils, tea tree oil, and citrus are NOT safe to use on or around cats. Lemongrass and cedar ARE safe for cats. Click HERE to read my article on the dangers some essential oils pose for cats and how to keep cats safe.
In addition to these suggestions, join my membership community, the Harmony Pack to listen to our recording of "The FOUR critical pillars of keeping your beloveds and your environment as parasite-free as possible." Learn how to evaluate the "risk" vets and advertisers tell you about, so YOU can decide what to use or NOT use with your animals.
Go to the Harmony Pack to join at the special "AZ Member Rate," then you will have access to this essential class as well as our library of over 90 recordings.
You CAN keep your beloveds and your house flea, tick and mosquito-free the safe and natural way.

with Love, Your Voice of Animals,