Visits to the vet can be stressful in so many ways. First there's the car ride. Although many dogs love to ride in the car, some don't and most cats don't. My cat Azul, used meow until he lost his voice on car rides! Next there's the arrival with other nervous animals in the waiting room, and all sorts of odors -- some you can smell and others only your animals can smell. After that, there's the vet, techs, the invasive exam and potentially painful treatments.
The GOOD news is that there are many things you can do to help your beloved cope as well as possible (and you too!)
1) Rescue Remedy. I can't stress the importance of RR in supporting everyone in stressful situations. 1-2 days before, start putting 2 drops in the water bowl or food. Pet your animal with a drop on your hands before bed and spray RR in your car and the carrier before loading your companion. Keep it with you and spray it in the exam room when you arrive. It will help clear any anxiety hanging in the air from the previous patient.
2) Tell your animal where you're going. Visualize it as you speak and let them know what to expect. Literally walk her through any procedure, even if you don't know all the details. The important part is to tell her that she'll come through better, without the xyz, able to eat/poop again, with a healthier mouth, etc. Stay calm, centered and positive. Tell your companion that she will recover beautifully and come home again with you, the next day...when the surgery is done. etc.
3) Leave the carrier or crate open and available for a few days before the visit in the main room where your animals hang out. When I do this, my cats take turns sleeping in the crate. Then, if I'm lucky, the cat that needs to go to the vet is resting peacefully in the crate when it's time to go. I close the door, letting him know what we're doing as above and then we're off.
4) Practice riding in the car. This is a good idea to start this with young animals, especially cats, as they will not associate the car with ONLY going to the vet. Spray Rescue Remedy in the car and carrier as above and talk gently to your animal, praising her for being calm. I play classical music or sing to mine. This helps soothe us both.
5) Check out the waiting room and wait time before taking your companion into the waiting room. Park and call from your car to ask what other animals are in the waiting room and ask the receptionist if the vet is on time. If you can, wait in the car with your companion, until it's time to go in. Ask the front desk to call or text you when the vet is ready.
6) Stay with your companion. Unless it's best for all involved for your animal to be "taken into the back," as long as you're able to stay calm while the tech or vet handles your animal, stay with them during the exam, blood draw, etc. Your animal will feel safer with you by their side.
Being present , thoughtfully preparing yourself first, and then your animal for a visit to the vet and any planned procedure, as well as using these tips, will help make the experience a lot more manageable for all.
* If your animal companion gets unusually stressed before a vet visit, please schedule a session with me for some specific tools, energy work and supplement suggestions to help make the visit and recovery go as smoothly as possible..
with love, Your Voice of Animals,