It's been terribly dry and smoky out here in the west. We're noticing that in addition to our own itchy eyes, dry skin and noses, sore throats, our animals have been having many of the same symptoms. The good news is that there are some simple DIY remedies to help them. Let's start with some great skin healing remedies you can mix up easily and inexpensively at home.
Skin Remedies
1) Chamomile Tea: To treat a rash, dry, itchy, scaly skin, mix up a batch of organic chamomile tea! Use 2 Tbs. of the loose tea (or two tea bags) to 2 c boiling water. Let steep for 10 minutes. Cool and add to a spray bottle. Part your dog's or bunny's horse's, donkey's, alpaca's... fur, spray and allow to dry. For cats, saturate a cotton pad and apply. You can refrigerate the tea for up to a week. NOTE: Before applying, bring the tea to room temperature to a little warm, so it's not a shock to the skin.
2) Calendula Salve: Calendula is the dried, pulverized petals of the marigold flower. You can often purchase a simple organic calendula salve at a health food store. Or make your own. Here's a recipe: Place dried flowers (easy to find at a health food stores or herb shop) in the top of a double boiler. Cover with organic olive oil. Simmer for an hour or two (Be sure to check that the water below doesn't boil off). Stir, cool slightly and strain through cheesecloth. Melt organic beeswax in a separate pan, about 1/4 c+ per cup of oil. Mix melted beeswax into top of double boiler with calendula and oil mixture. You can add a few drops of Vitamin E as a "preservative" if desired. (Squeeze a capsule). Mix well, then pour into a low, wide-mouthed container to cool and set. Rub the salve on any hot spots, burns, scabs, cuts, scrapes etc. NOTE: You'll notice that this salve is great for your dried cuticles, elbows, hands, heels, etc. Extra gift -- it smells like chocolate!
3) Aloe Vera: Use a fresh leaf from the plant. Peel and puree the inner flesh. Apply to the skin and rub in with your finger. Aloe treats flea bites, scabs and burns. Don't let your dog or cat lick it though, as it may cause tummy troubles. A little wont hurt.
It's also always important to get to the cause of any chronic skin issues, and not just treat them topically. Please let me know what else I can do for you both. Set up an Animal Communication session here or here.
Stay tuned for more remedies you can make at home. Keeping your beloved animals happy and healthy is my great joy and mission.

With Love, Your Voice of Animals,