Most everyone has heard of antioxidants. You know, those wonderful substances that hunt and demolish "free radicals."
Free radicals are a byproduct of normal metabolic activities and any animal's body exposed to poor quality, indigestible foods, stress, pollution, even exercise. Free radicals contribute to cell degeneration (disease), inflammation and death. Most pet foods contribute to free radical damage as opposed to fighting it!
Antioxidants to the Rescue!
Happily, our bodies and our animals' bodies have our own internal armies to fight free radicals. AND, we can support cellular defense with external antioxidants supplied by Mother Nature. Our own internal antioxidants, Glutathione, SOD and Catalase are super powerful at attacking and dispersing free radicals. However, due to the almost overwhelming onslaught of stress, pollution, processed foods, etc., our animals' bodies and our own, can really benefit from the help of external antioxidant support as well. Fruits and vegetables are an obvious source, but there are some "concentrated" sources that pack a health "punch."
Here are some of my favorites:
#1 ASEA. ASEA is Redox Signaling Molecules, suspended in pure salt water. These molecules signal our bodies to increase antioxidant production by 500%! These molecules are essential for healing and immune function as well. I have done extensive studies with elderly animals, diseased and toxic animals taking ASEA, and the results have been extraordinary. Please contact me to learn how it can support you and your animals.
#2 Alpha-Lipoic Acid. ALA is both water and fat soluble, supporting the brain, organs and virtually all cell protection. It occurs naturally in spinach, broccoli, yeast and the heart, liver and kidney of all animals. They best way to get ALA is through feeding the above to our animals. Of course, clean, organic spinach, broccoli and pasture/grass-fed meats are the healthiest sources. Be sure to steam broccoli and spinach before adding to meals or it will deplete the calcium in the meal. Supplementing must be done under a holistic vet's supervision.
#3 Astaxanthin. Astaxanthin is a whole food source of Vitamin A and E and is Red! You find it in red micro algae, salmon, trout, shrimp, krill, crayfish, and crab. (I guess Flamingos as well, since they eat crayfish, giving them their pink color!)
To quote Dr. Karen Becker,
"Astaxanthin fights oxidative stress and free radical damage. It has very strong free radical scavenging abilities and helps protect cells, organs and tissues from oxidative damage. Astaxanthin provides antioxidants to parts of the body that don’t normally receive a lot of antioxidant benefit. It can cross the blood-brain barrier and the blood-retina barrier. This means it can help reduce the potential for diseases of the central nervous system, the spinal cord and the eye. Astaxanthin also supports immune function thanks to its high levels of beta-carotene. Studies also show Astaxanthin supports joint and muscle recovery after exercise, and cardiovascular health in dogs and cats."
A study with Beagles of different ages found that as little as 20 mg. daily for sixteen weeks, increased cellular function and energy production. My favorite supplement source of Astaxanthin in micro-algae (along with some blue green algae) is "BioSuperfood" and "BioPreparation." I believe BioSuperfood was a major reason our beloved cat, Simon, made it to 15 years old with autoimmune hemolytic anemia. If you're interested in adding BSF to your beloved's diet, please contact me to help you find the best formula and amount for their individual needs. BTW, Marcus and I take it every day too!
I invite you to do your own research and talk with me about how YOUR beloved animals can benefit from antioxidant support. It's a critical component of a long, healthy life!