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Kate Solisti
Feb 21, 20233 min read
Are Your Pet's Kidneys Vulnerable to This?
Did you know that kidney issues are the #1 insurance claim for cats and that as many as one in ten dogs has kidney challenges? In my 30+...
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Kate Solisti
Feb 6, 20232 min read
Do You Know This about Holistic vs. Allopathic Treatments?
Is your vet allopathic or holistic? What's the difference, and why is it important? Every vet who has a degree is trained in allopathic...
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Kate Solisti
Jan 24, 20232 min read
Is Your Animal in Pain?
Some dogs and most cats are very adept at hiding pain. They still carry the coding from their ancestors that showing pain indicates...
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Kate Solisti
Jan 17, 20233 min read
Easiest Way to Balance Your Pet's Diet
Ah, pet food. We love it for the convenience, but as responsible guardians, we need to be concerned about the ingredients and what...
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Kate Solisti
Jan 4, 20232 min read
New Year for Older Animals?
As our animal family (and human) age, there are many new choices we have to make. How much exercise is okay? Do they need to have a...
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Kate Solisti
Dec 13, 20223 min read
Why So Many Deaths in December?
In my over 30 years working with animals, I have seen an increase in departures in December. Why? I asked the Animal Council and here is...
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Kate Solisti
Nov 22, 20222 min read
How You Can Do This at Thanksgiving
What if this Thanksgiving we express appreciation along with gratitude? Marie Forleo shared a wonderful idea on Marie TV. She suggested...
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Kate Solisti
Nov 14, 20223 min read
Can Dogs and Cats Be Vegans?
I know, Dear Reader, that you and I are are doing so many things to lighten our "carbon footprint" on Mother Earth. Eating organic, local...
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Kate Solisti
Nov 1, 20223 min read
7 Ways to Prepare Your Beloveds for Emergencies
These days it's important to be prepared for emergencies. Fires and floods are some of the scariest. In addition to planning for your...
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Kate Solisti
Oct 18, 20222 min read
Proof of Dog Telepathy?
As an animal communicator of 30+ years, I am interested when scientists become interested in "deciphering" how dogs and other animals...
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Kate Solisti
Oct 5, 20222 min read
Safer Spay & Neuter?
In America most of us believe that one of the best things we can do for our animals is to spay or neuter them. We've been told that in...
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Kate Solisti
Sep 20, 20222 min read
Got Pumpkin Spice for Your Furries?
It's that wonderful time of year when summer turns to autumn. Leaves change into their brilliant wardrobes, gifting us with incomparable...
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Kate Solisti
Aug 21, 20223 min read
Dry, Red Skin? Soothe Their Skin with This!
Dry, itchy, red skin on paws, tummies, ears etc. is a too common problem in dogs, cats and horses. The symptoms are pretty obvious;...
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Kate Solisti
Aug 2, 20223 min read
Is Your Cat Stressed?
Sometimes it's hard to know if your cat is stressed. Cats are notorious for hiding pain, discomfort and stress from their people....
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Kate Solisti
Jul 26, 20223 min read
Keep Your Animals Cool, but Don't Do This...
Baby it's hot outside and you might think that shaving your cat and dog will cool them off. According to Dr. Karen Becker this is usually...
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Kate Solisti
Jul 12, 20222 min read
Animals Who Choose to Do Therapy
Did you know that "therapy animals" are wise souls who choose to be healers?Many of you know, have read about and have seen therapy dogs,...
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Kate Solisti
Jun 28, 20222 min read
Help NOW for Fireworks & Storms
Did you run out of time to get herbal, homepathic and flower essences to support your beloveds through the fireworks and storms? Need...
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Kate Solisti
Jun 22, 20222 min read
Superb Help for Fireworks & Storms!
It's that awful time of the year again when humans insist on terrorizing dogs, cats and wildlife with fireworks. Even though it is...
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Kate Solisti
Jun 14, 20222 min read
Aloe Can Be Toxic for Cats & Dogs
I always thought that Aloe Vera was safe for dogs and cats, but it turns out that it can be toxic, especially the yellow aloin and the...
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Kate Solisti
May 25, 20222 min read
Best Ways to Keep Them Hydrated
Dogs are usually good drinkers, but not always. Cats do not have a thirst drive like dogs and humans because they are descended from a...
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