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Kate Solisti
Dec 8, 20202 min read
Protect Your Pets Like This...
Since we're spending more time inside thanks to colder weather, it's important to do a "check up" on your house to be sure you and your...
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Kate Solisti
Dec 2, 20202 min read
Vaccines - Your Cat, Dog & You!
There's so much talk of vaccines for Covid, but are you aware of the new recommended vaccine protocol for kittens and cats? The American...
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Kate Solisti
Oct 27, 20202 min read
DIY Tummy Remedies for Dogs & Cats
Tummy upsets are very common for our dogs and cats. Food sensitivities, age (very young or old), eating too much, eating the wrong...
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Kate Solisti
Oct 14, 20202 min read
DIY Healing Remedies for Your Animals
It's been terribly dry and smoky out here in the west. We're noticing that in addition to our own itchy eyes, dry skin and noses, sore...
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Kate Solisti
Sep 22, 20202 min read
What's a Holistic vs. Allopathic Vet?
Is your vet allopathic or holistic? What's the difference, and why is it important? Every vet who has a degree is trained in allopathic...
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Kate Solisti
Sep 15, 20204 min read
Snake Bite???
One of the reasons cats became cherished in ancient Egypt is because they were excellent snake hunters. When the Egyptians began storing...
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Kate Solisti
Aug 25, 20202 min read
Safer Spay & Neuter?
In America most of us believe that one of the best things we can do for our animals is to spay or neuter them. We've been told that in...
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Kate Solisti
Aug 11, 20202 min read
Poison from the Golf Course?
I got a panicked call, "Kate, my beautiful dog has been in the emergency room all night and she's not improving. The vets don't know...
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Kate Solisti
Jul 21, 20203 min read
Before You Shave Your Cat or Dog, PLEASE Read this...
Baby it's hot outside and you might think that shaving your cat and dog will cool them off. According to Dr. Karen Becker this is usually...
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Kate Solisti
Jun 2, 20203 min read
Heartworm Meds? PLEASE Don't Do this
Flea, tick and mosquito season is upon us. We honor these insects' right to exist and feed birds, bats, fish, amphibians. etc., but also...
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Kate Solisti
May 19, 20202 min read
Does Your Dog or Cat have Allergies?
"My two-year old Corgi has allergies and the vet wants to give her another steroid shot. Are there other options?" My client was...
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Kate Solisti
May 5, 20202 min read
My 5 Ways to Protect Your Animal from Coronavirus
There's been a lot of information swirling around about the coronavirus and our companion animals. The CDC has released new guidelines...
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Kate Solisti
Apr 28, 20202 min read
Essential Oils? PLEASE Read
Have you used essential oils for yourself? Have you used or thought about using them around or even for your animals? PLEASE DON'T until...
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Kate Solisti
Apr 15, 20203 min read
Help for Overwhelmed Animals at Home
"Kate, I'm so worried. Sammy isn't eating normally and seems depressed. What's happened to my happy, bouncy dog?" I'm receiving more...
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Kate Solisti
Mar 10, 20202 min read
"Flower" Essences Support All Healing!
"She won't come out from under the bed!, "exclaimed my worried client who had adopted a rescued cat a month ago. "She will only come out...
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Kate Solisti
Feb 24, 20202 min read
Can These Simple Spices Protect Your Dog & Cat?
I'm always on the look out for safe, natural ways to keep our beloved furries healthy and free from invading parasites. So, I was excited...
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Kate Solisti
Jan 26, 20203 min read
Flea & Tick Prevention: Start Now with These Safe Choices
Flea, tick and mosquito season is almost upon us. We honor these insects' right to exist and feed birds, bats, fish, amphibians. etc.,...
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Kate Solisti
Jan 26, 20203 min read
Do These 6 Steps BEFORE a Vet Visit
Visits to the vet can be stressful in so many ways. First there's the car ride. Although many dogs love to ride in the car, some don't...
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Kate Solisti
Jan 26, 20202 min read
Protect Those Paws!
Burrr! Puppy it's cold outside! Snow, ice, cold , and rough terrain are just half of it. What about all the toxic chemicals on and near...
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Kate Solisti
Dec 10, 20191 min read
My 10 Holiday Safety Tips & More
The holidays are fun and exciting for human children of all ages. But what about your animals? Puppies and kittens LOVE decorations too,...
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